Nov 30, 2020

Current Goings On

Allllright update post to provide something of interest for this blog. I'll keep this short and sweet.

I'll start with the elephant in the room KCS. Currently the new chapter is about 3k words into development. Plans are to hand it off to edit next week, but I'll be able to focus more on it this week than ever before. I'm hoping to either top or get close to the second chapter's around 5k word mark before sending it to be edited. If my editor can give me an estimate of the timeframe for review I'll make sure to post it here.

The majority of the viewing of the new and old chapter I've been getting have mostly been on the pastebin where they are also hosted. I would prefer more people to care about this blog than my pastebin but for most places where my story is linked to the pastebin version is much easier to access and whatnot, so I really can't blame most people for doing so.

The Pokemon Tabletop System I've been working on has mostly flitted to the backburner, current progress is much slower than when I last talked about my work with it. I just think that it's gonna be hard to focus on with the other stuff I'm working on right now. 

Last is the video game dev stuff I've been working on recently. About when I posted KCS Chapter Two here about two months ago I took part in a game jam that produced a game called A Rogue's First Heist. A small topdown game where you guide a rogue with coins to collect treasures while evading capture. While the only updates to the game are small ones, I've recently finished a huge spritesheet for our expansion of the game. Along with writing making levels with the new sheet are my main focus this week.

At the end of this week I'll be hosting and taking part in another game jam, The Mashed Potatoes and Cramberry Jam. I imagine that this will be a great time sink given its nearly 9 day time frame but during that time I expect reviewing of the third chapter will be in progress so I'm not going to worry much about that. 

Hopefully the expansion of A Rogue's First Heist and the third chapter of Kobold Cursed Sword will be coming out late December. I also look forward to spending time on my tabletop system over my winter break but I'll try not to make promises on that front to maintain my sanity.

Oct 17, 2020

PigJam Flashback work

 Back in August I worked to help create a Jam Entry to the Horror Summer Slow Jam from PigSquad

The submission I worked was called Jeben Dystonia. You play as someone who wakes up in a room and needs to get out before the creatures prowling outside do so first. 

The major things I did to help make the game was setting up menus, dialog writing, and level design. However I also did some work creating small flashbacks that the player has while playing the game. These are shown in gray scale and are a bit transparent. However they were originally designed in color without the transparency.

I would suggest you try the game first if you want to remain spoiler free but bellow are the "finalized" versions of the drawings and the primary drawings. I was trying to emulate the more blocky design of propaganda posters and used a flat brush to make the drawings shown. 

Sep 5, 2020

Kobold Cursed Sword, Chapter 2

It was morning.

As dawn broke, the sun started to illuminate the small camp in the ruins, stirring the kobold in her sleep. Surrounding her were several ripped open bags, which prior were filled with her provisions. With a mixture of drool and berry juice also coloring her mouth, you could tell that it had been a long night.

After exiting the Catacombs, the Kobold had managed to return back to her camp. Arriving, she ripped her provision bags open trying to fill the growing hole in her stomach. Managing to do so after tearing into about 2 pounds of her food in under 5 minutes, she downed berries, dried meat, and rather stale bread in a gruesome yet transfixing display. Shortly after she flopped to the ground, letting go of the sword that she had taken from the catacombs and falling into a dreamless sleep seconds later.

A sleep that the sun was now trying to break her out of. Its bright light warming yet disturbing the muddy red lizard, causing her to move to try and block it out. Yet despite her best efforts, the kobold started to blink out of sleep and soon after sat up. Yawning and then licking her lips as she started to stretch her arms.

Aug 31, 2020

Current Goings On

Hi All.

God, the last 2 weeks have been quite the experience. Right now I'm tired and really burnt out honestly. I participated in a Game Jam that had 2 weeks to participate in. I did a heaping amount of stuff for it, setting up menus, doing the level design, and providing some images for flashbacks. I am just credited for the level design but I can fix that sometime today to at least note the menu work I did. 

If you want to take a look at the current creation you can do so here.

The studio that the game is under is actually one that I had a hand in founding. We also did a rather bare bones DigDug clone here which I provided pretty much all the assets. It kinda contains Kobolds.


Jul 8, 2020

The Song of Dragons (KCS Interlude)

The Song of Dragons

Oh hey thy mighty dragons
Of colors I have seen
They walk among us all 
Their scales a glistening sheen

Oh for I am here to warn
Of what you should expect
Depending on their color
So that you are not collect

May 31, 2020

Yet more furry "fanart"

The perspective on this is rather well done. I just recently downloaded the newest version of Paint Tool Sai 2 and it came with a brevy of new features. The lighting isn't too bad either but the main inspiration of this post is from this.

The chapter is just waiting for a list of suggested edits before I go ahead and post it. I however am not confident in this happening in a swift manner. 

Mar 29, 2020

Pokemon Stopgap

Hi all, in my attempt to keep to the pattern of monthly uploads with at-least some useful content I'm making this post.

I'll start out with the most obvious thing to talk about, how the Covid-19 virus has been effecting me. I'm good, however while many people might be using the time they gain from being in effective lockdown. I really don't have that privilege, the company I work at due to being a military contractor is considered essential. While they have authorized employees to do what they see fit to protect themselves and have opened up vacation hours to go to negative I have things that need to be finished. Both related to work and other things I have been working on. I have been working from home so I'm not really in the line of fire for this new virus however.

Now getting to the meat of this post one of the things I am working on is a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Tabletop campaign that I am running. I'm currently working on a homebrewed version of the homebrew the system already is and am working in a reasonable capacity to expand it with its developer.

The link to the PMD Tabletop System is here.

However due to not really being finished with it and wanting to work with Kovaid, the dev of the system to produce a 2nd edition before I start spoiling my work means that this is likely to show up in the far future. But! Due to the pandemic I needed to get my hands wet with roll20 for the session that happened this week. Meaning maps, getting familiar with the system, and needing to find tokens for the game.

What I landed on was the icons for Pokemon Shuffle for the characters. However I had a hard time finding a good rip, and personally needed to categorize these icons for my own use. As you might expect this is the thing that I am putting in this post to make it partially worthwhile.

A well sorted, categorized, and high quality rip of Pokemon Shuffle Pokemon Icons.

With that out of the way current progress on KCS Ch2 is going ok, I've began getting into the editing process and hope that it will be released next month. I want to make sure this isn't undercooked however so take my estimate as an estimate.

In the meantime I hope you are being able to weather out this pandemic and look forward to seeing it blow over.

Mar 1, 2020

A Tutorial on my IDPD Grunt Cosplay

Hi! While I feel this isn't the biggest thing I'm going to post on here some people after seeing my cosplay pictures were interested in possibly making something similar. As I'm just nearing editing time with the 2nd chapter of KCS and I really don't have anything to post here other than some work I've been doing with gamedev I feel this will do.

Jan 14, 2020

Con Cosplay Photos

Well, I finally got back my photos from the con. Apparently they mistyped my email when sending out the link to the dropbox for the cosplayers. Also apparently they only really sent out photos around December so there is that as well. Anyway the 10 photos I got from them are bellow.

         More Bellow!