Hey all again, apologies for not posting something earlier but I'll quickly go over what I've recently been doing. If its not really obvious, I try to post once a month with something, but the last 3ish months I've been very much so leaving my blog on the side.
Gamedev has really ballooned in its time I usually spend on it. I am also heading the two locations where we post stuff related to our game for people to get to see, both on our tumblr and twitter which helps divert my time even more. Right now development of our "Bird Game" is pretty full force, we've recruited someone who will be helping us with the sound side of stuff and someone else who is helping by providing concept art for mainly me to turn into 3D models. Modeling itself takes a good amount of time, and I'm not just modeling but also doing ui and menus which exacerbate the work required on my end.
Its not like bad or anything, but it is quite a lot of work to do. You sit down to model something simple like a gun, and despite its simplicity you need to model the item, uv unwrap it, texture it, rig it, and animate it before you can consider the work finished. Each step taking a good amount of time that balloons in proportion to how complex the model you are working on is.
Also while I am most certainly rather experienced in modeling items, everything else is new to me, and I'm doing it in different software than I typically use. 30% of my work results in a learning experience where while I most certainly get a bit better at whatever I'm doing or learn about some cool new technique that I can use, but takes longer than me not having that experience in the first place.
Worst part is that I haven't even done any normal mapping so far and I'm dreading having to learn it.
Pretty much all of this is being shown off at the tumblr and twitter I linked above, so I'll likely not be posting it here.
KCS has had very little development so far, only 2ish pages and 1100 words into the writing. However the weird outlier has been the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Tabletop stuff that I mentioned. The main rule book is pretty much done and is now going through editing with one of my friends and my typical editor. This certainly isn't the only part of the system that needs to be finished, but it is the one where I had the least work essentially done on it before I started writing. The thing is about 40+ pages long, and is like 80% done, the cleanup with respect to editing and minor rules to add really being the main things that I need to do.
The plan with the system is when its actually ready and after being cleaned up a bit with edits and such is to test the actual system with some people who would be open to running a short campaign with it. Taking suggestions until I can say that a reasonable amount of playtesting has occurred before I release the thing to a wider audience. I understand that it seems rather corporate what I'm planning on doing but I do want this system to be reasonably thought out and a good competitor of the Pokerole PMD Module along with being a step up from its inspiration. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Tabletop was very much a system who had a lot of visual charm and very good ideas but needed a good amount of cleanup in its rules and how it stated them.
But anyway, that's about it thanks for coming here to hear me ramble and I hope you have a nice rest of your day!
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