Hi All, 2 of you. While I greatly doubt that anyone is really interested in whats happening with my life, I thought it might be a good idea to provide this post to let people visiting my blogger here a bearing on what I'm currently working on and what has been "preventing" me from working on my stuff recently.
To start out, I moved about a month ago into a house that I am currently paying a mortgage on. While I feel this is extraneous to add in general, it has been a great thing to restrict my progress on other things due to the slevy of items that need to be attended to. The house needed to be repainted (paid someone to do it), I had to move in, it needed landscaping work (something that I still have more things I need to do), I had to help my sister move with me, and I had to furnish the house which took time and money. Needless to say I haven't being doing much other than the work associated with getting a new house during this last month. Despite all this I have been doing work aside from this in my smaller spare time. I actually need to repair some cabinetry at some point due to aging plastic mounting but whatever.
So what have I been working on recently? Well, I have a video that I'm making for a DND meme, I'm currently making a Doom wad, I've spent some time on Kobold Cursed Sword Chapter 2, and I've also will hopefully get back to making a RPG with RPGMakerMV with one of my friends. I understand that my "excuse" took longer than my things I'm doing but in due time a couple of these projects will come to fruition, my bets being on first the Doom wad, next the video, then Kobold Cursed Sword, and after at least a year or two the game. Hopefully I'll drop some stuff next month but I cannot promise anything, just by looking at my upload schedule its more than obvious that I like to take my sweet time on projects due to a mix of working full time and high standards.
I am however going to be going to a con this week with some shitty cosplay so you might see some pictures of that this week. However, I will make a promise here. If I haven't posted anything other than the cosplay before the middle of next month I'll go ahead and drop some drawings of some of my Ocs, that have never been posted before due to me being ... fuck I don't even know.
Its funny in a way, I'm pretty fast with drawing and I bet I could push out like 2 okish drawings a week if I was motivated enough. Instead however I take on long as hell projects that take me forever to finish. I should honestly try and draw a little more, perhaps when I get a tablet with an actual screen down the line it might motivate me to draw more and stop being a lazy fuck about it.
Anyway, I'm surprised that you managed to reach the bottom of the snooze fest but thanks for reading anyway. I hope you have a great day.
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