Hey all again, apologies for not posting something earlier but I'll quickly go over what I've recently been doing. If its not really obvious, I try to post once a month with something, but the last 3ish months I've been very much so leaving my blog on the side.
Gamedev has really ballooned in its time I usually spend on it. I am also heading the two locations where we post stuff related to our game for people to get to see, both on our tumblr and twitter which helps divert my time even more. Right now development of our "Bird Game" is pretty full force, we've recruited someone who will be helping us with the sound side of stuff and someone else who is helping by providing concept art for mainly me to turn into 3D models. Modeling itself takes a good amount of time, and I'm not just modeling but also doing ui and menus which exacerbate the work required on my end.